Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Tina Fey

Finished Reading: 11.2011

Tina Fey is a funny female comedian because she doesn't care that you don't like funny female comedians. Starting on the Chicago improv circuit, she moved on to star in Saturday Night Live in New York, create the hit NBC television comedy 30 Rock, and then try to convince anyone who would listen that two Sarah Palins are better than one, but maybe not better than none.

The Rules of Improvisation, as related by Tina Fey, can be applicable to everyday conversations, even if she didn't intend this. You don't have to be an actor to utilize improve. At the very least, improvisation makes conversation more interesting, and goes something like this: Agree with the person you're speaking with; add to what they're saying to deepen the dialog; make statements rather than ask questions; and go with your mistakes. You never know where mistakes will lead you.

It's nice to know that someone is the showbiz has a strong father figure. Tina loves and fears her father and credits him with her having turned out halfway decent. "That's Don Fey," says everyone as he walks by. Everyone knows who he is and admires him. Don Fey dresses well and looks good. Don Fey did this. Don Fey did that.

My favorite of Tina Fey's characters is Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock. "(She) liked the idea of writing Alec Baldwin as a powerful conservative, having him articulate passionately the opposite of everything he believed in real life."

Sometimes the reasons for a joke are just as funny as the joke itself. There's a lot of that in here.

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